
Fares and payment methods

  • Train
    ícone trem_tarifas

    R$ 7.60
  • Train
    icones juntos vertical

    + subway or intercity bus

    R$ 8.55
Mão de uma mulher segurando o cartão unitário SuperVia

Single ride card

  • Suitable for those who travel just a little;
  • Limited sale of up to 2 cards per customer.
Mão de uma mulher segurando cartões RioCard

RioCard Cards

  • Provided by the employing company (Vale-Transporte) or acquired by the user (Expresso);
  • Accepted in all public transportation (buses, subways, trains, ferries, VLT, BRT and legalized intercity minibuses;
  • To transfer to other means of transport (Rio, Baixada, Metrô and SuperVia), you must be registered with the user's CPF and be validated on the website www.cartaoriocard.com.br.
Mão de uma mulher segurando celular e, ao lado, lista com opções de pagamento online

Digital wallets

Visa cards, Mastercard cards, Elo cards and Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Android Pay systems

  • Only contactless cards and smartphones;
  • See stations where they are accepted:

    Central do Brasil

Fare History

In compliance with Law 13,673 / 2018, published in the Federal Official Gazette on June 6, 2018.

Fare (R$) Validity period
Start Finish
R$ 2,90 02/02/2015 02/01/2016
R$ 3,70 02/02/2016 02/01/2017
R$ 4,20 02/02/2017 02/01/2019
R$ 4,60 02/02/2019 02/01/2020
R$ 4,70 02/02/2020 02/22/2021
R$ 5,00 02/23/2021 02/08/2023
R$ 7,40 02/09/2023 02/01/2024
R$ 7,10 02/02/2024 01/02/2025
R$7,60 02/02/2025 Until today

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